Monday, November 5, 2012

Sesame Seed (Original post date 12/7/11)

If you are just catching up with this blog now, I'm going back to and moving all posts to here.  Hopefully will be back in "real" time in a week or so.

We’re on week 5 now!  The baby is now the size of a sesame seed – it’s graduated from being a poppyseed!  So far, my only symptoms are exhaustion, heightened sense of smell and just really no desire for food.  It’s very strange.  I love food! But I’m whatever about anything if anyone suggests something to eat.  I’m eating because I know I have to but as far as hunger goes, I’m not as hungry.  The exhaustion is really what’s getting to me.  I cannot get enough of sleep!  It’s been great but I need my energy back.  I want caffeine like nobody’s business.  I don’t miss the alcohol as much as I am missing caffeine.  We’re also becoming pretty good liars.  I do sometimes regret telling people that we are trying because everyone wants to know now.  We also went to dinner with Peldia last Saturday night and I could tell they were suspicious since I’m usually a big drinker and I didn’t even taste anyone’s wine/cocktail.  I can’t wait for the first of February when we can let everyone know.

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