If you've been a loyal blog reader of mine or have known me since I was 12, you would already know that my all time favorite band in the entire world is New Kids on the Block. I went to see them with a fun group of girls one Friday night at Irvine Meadows. We had the best time, tailgating in the parking lot and singing along with the entire crowd for 3 hours. I went home, exhausted and elated, relishing in the fact that I've seen them 3x since Oct '08. This is from someone who missed out on their concerts when they were huge in 1989! It was awesome and I was so happy and content because who knew if they would ever tour again? And with that in mind, I fell happily asleep.
Fast forward 8 hours.
I got a text message from MommaPink, thanking me for last night and how much fun she had. I texted back, same here! Then her next text was just jokingly saying, hey, PoppaPink said we should got Vegas tonight to see them. I laughed it off, as did she. But then the texts got more serious. Yes, we should go, PoppaPink was actually encouraging this! I cooked breakfast for Mr. Pie and the texting began more furiously. We should go, we shouldn't go, we are nuts, we are crazy, blah blah.
Fast forward 4 hours.
I was on Travelocity, looking up hotel/airfare packages. This couldn't possibly be happening right? Right?
Fast forward 2 hours.
I'm at the Pinks!
These girls have no idea their Momma was about to board a plane!

Fast forward 1 hour.
We are on the shuttle to LAX!

And then at the airport, we had bloody marys. With McDonald's. Heh.

We took off and MommaPink (bless her heart - she is frightened of flying!) asked me if she could text when the portable device approval was given. I laughed. She is so funny!
(The bloody marys helped her with the fear of flying - hee!)
At the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel, Marriott Courtyard which is away from the strip but very very nice! We loved it!

Here is MommaPink, probably dreaming of Joey.

But no, she's really staring at the crane we have in our view!

We freshened up a bit before dinner ;)

Since the concert was at the Palms,

we knew Little Buddha would be our choice for dinner. It was delicious!!

We are a little excited - hahaha.
And then it was time. The concert was kickass. Truly. The show was better than Irvine and again the entire venue was singing and dancing.
I love you Jonathan!

And then it was over :(

But our Vegas trip was just right in the middle ;)
We got drinks at the bar and walked around. MommaPink noticed the Poker Room first and then she noticed the Celebrity Poker tournament sign and then she noticed...
LUCKY FROM GENERAL HOSPITAL! Hello, only our favorite soap ever. You know Lucky - Luke & Laura's kid!
So the poker room manager is watching us stare at Lucky (I still don't know his real name). We thought he was going to kick us out but he said, what are you girls staring at? We told him it was Lucky and he goes, want to meet him? He totally INTERRUPTS Lucky and Lucky himself even stood up to hug us and take pics - in the middle of his game with 10 other people!

After that, MommaPink and I didn't know what we should do with ourselves! We got more drinks at the bar and next to it was a lounge area that was pretty hopping. So we went in there and there was a cover band, covering all of the recent songs. It was so much fun! We maneuvered to the front of the stage, the energy was awesome and we danced our little hearts out. Then at the end, the singer was pulling people onstage! I danced on the stage at 2 am in the morning! It was over before we knew it and we headed back to our hotel. We then took a nap :)
Fast forward 3 hours.
We slowly packed up our overnight bags and headed to the airport. It was so much fun and we were sad to leave Vegas (I had to make BabySasa's 1st birthday party at noon that day). I was so thrilled to have shared it with MommaPink!
These are our after pics. Hahaha!

Now about that cruise next May...