Monday, August 4, 2008

Where are you from? Orange County.

Since CuteyK still has my camera, I have no pics for my readers but here's a list of what I did this weekend. Exciting, yes? I will post pics as soon as I can! - Visited BabyPink and went to sushi with MommaPink. Mmmmmm salmon skin hand roll - I must have that again! Also, where are you from? Orange County. And also, saaaaaaaaaaake bomb - but none for me still! MommaPink had fun though! - Mr. Pie's college friend came to stay at our house this weekend because he was in town for a wedding. T is very nice and Maddie fell in love with him :) - Went to a boooooooooring, yawn, double yawn wedding. I don't mean to sound mean but the last song we heard as we were leaving was "I like big butts." - Had brunch at Orange Hill for LeeLee's birthday. Lottsa fun and yummy eats even though we were seated in the minority room. - Went to 500 furniture places looking for an office desk for Mr. Pie and a new mattress for us. - Ate yummy crawfish! - Watched Michael Clayton - it was really good.

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