Now that we are ringing in the New Year, I thought I do an end post with a Best list and a "could have done without this" list :) Hope you readers have a safe and wonderful New Year's Eve.
Best of 2008
Celebrating 1 year of marriage
MotherinLawPie getting a kidney transplant!
The healthy and happy births of BabyPink, BabyDJ, BabySasa and BabyChip
My furbabies!
Our Monterey trip to celebrate our anniversary
NKOTB concert!!!!
My Marc Jacobs purse from Mr.Pie
My diamond earrings from Mr.Pie
All of our co-worker shannigans
A Democrat is back in the White House
The Red Wings winning the Stanley Cup
A few great movies:
Pineapple Express, Sex & The City, The Dark Knight
OC housing market going down so now homes are affordable.
Mr.Pie's Joker Halloween costume and the kick ass party we went to.
My new iPod Touch!
Getting back in touch with former classmates and friends through FaceBook
Mr.Pie's delicious Christmas prime rib
Great Phamily gatherings :)
All of my family and friends
Could have done without this in 2008
MotherinLawPie not getting her heart valve surgery
Wishing my Dad could have turned 90 this year with us
Peldia being in the hospital for the next 2 weeks on bedrest
The economy tanking
Layoffs at work
My friend going through her loss - your family is always in my thoughts.
I'm super happy my best of list is longer than my could have list.
Happy New Year's from the Pies!